
Yoga Beginner’s Guide to Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana meditation has been a part of the yogic practices for many years. It is a powerful technique for you to get away from the external world and focus on the internal. Daily meditation has shown promise in helping the practitioner feel more relaxed, focused, and experience inner peace.

With time this ancient technique has also undergone tremendous changes. It is evident by the number of meditation techniques like transcendental, and loving-kindness among others.

One of these methods is the Vipassana meditation which is quite ancient yet powerful way to reconnect with your deeper self. If you want to learn more about this meditation technique, the information below is for you.

Vipassana Meditation – A Brief Introduction

Put simply, Vipassana is the oldest of all the Buddhist meditation practices which helps you develop mindfulness in the long run. It comes from the Satipatthana Sutta (Foundation of Mindfulness), which was given by Mahatma Buddha himself.

In Pali (the ancient language of Buddhism), the word Vipassana means to see things as they really are.

Oftentimes, you will heard the word Mindfulness meditation, which is used interchangeably with Vipassana meditation. The entire practice revolves around simply observing your thoughts and feelings as they are without any judgment.

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The goal of Vipassana meditation is to:

  • Calm your mind
  • Focus on the present moment
  • Minimize regrets by not dwelling on the past
  • Responding to situations based on reality
  • Accepting thoughts, emotions, and feelings as they are
  • Worrying less about the future

To help you practice vipassana meditation with ease, yoga experts have come up with some easy-to-follow guidelines.

Guidelines to Practice Vipassana Meditation

  • Set aside 10 to 15 minutes to practice. Yoga experts recommend that you do Vipassana first thing during early morning.
  • Choose a place without distractions. You can choose an empty room or the peaceful outdoor amidst nature.
  • Sit on the ground in the cross-legged position.
  • Engage your core, keep your back straight, and relax your body.
  • Close your eyes and breathe normally. Focus on natural breathing and what you feel.
  • Focus on each inhale and exhale. Simply observe the thoughts and sensations without reacting to them.
  • In case you are distracted from the practice just observe the distraction and return back to breathing.
  • Do this for at least 10 to 15 minutes during the start. With time, you can work your way up to longer periods.

If you are confused about starting the meditation practice, yoga experts are there to help you.

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Vipassana Meditation Tips for Beginners

If you find it hard to start with this meditation practice, follow the tips mentioned below.

  • You can listen to a Vipassana meditation recording.
  • Sign up for RYT 200 to practice this meditation technique under the guidance of experts.
  • During home practice you should set a timer for the first few sessions.
  • To handle distractions you should turn off the smartphone or keep it on silent mode.
  • Be patient with the process. Meditation takes a considerable amount of time to learn and practice.

Following these tips and sticking to a meditation schedule with commitment would reap you some major benefits of Vipassana.

Benefits of Daily Vipassana Meditation

Given below are some benefits you can derive from daily practice of meditation.

Know Yourself

Yes! The ultimate goal of vipassana meditation practice is self-liberation. It means you enter a state of total self-awareness and recognize your true nature. This awareness is only possible once you learn to quieten the mind and get over the ego trap. It is only possible with Vipassana meditation.

Helps Improve Concentration

The main technique in vipassana requires you to develop a keen focus on the tip of your nostril. However, this is not an easy feat to accomplish as it requires you to remain focused and not judge yourself. In the long run, this helps you improve concentration and focus.


Develops Inner Peace

One of the reasons why vipassana stood the test of time is its ability to cultivate inner peace. The very process of quietening your mind and disconnecting from the world helps your mind enter a calm and peaceful state. In the long run, this helps you develop inner peace and harmony.

Helps Focus on Present

Vipassana is one powerful meditation technique which helps you reach the goal of liberation and enlightenment. The process of quietening your mind helps you get rid of the incessant negativity in thoughts and actions. It helps you remain focused in the present moment. Enroll in a certified RYT 200 program to learn more about this powerful meditation technique.


Do you want to experience inner peace and tranquility? You should enroll in a certified RYT 200 program to learn the magical and powerful technique and visit the best vipassana meditation centre.

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