
MBA Dissertation Checklist: Tips For Business Graduates

MBA stands for Masters of Business Administration, and it is exclusively for students aspiring to grab some managerial roles in business. It opens various doors of opportunities, including management roles in businesses and entrepreneurship in educational, public service, and health-related activities. In the UK, there are almost 600 million private business organisations offering a great number of opportunities to fresh MBA graduates. The opportunities for MBA students in the research industry are also not limited, so students who learn to meet international research standards during their stay at university will be benefited at the end of the day. In university, MBA dissertation writing tips are important to get hands-on research experience, so the article will help you find some pro writing tips for business graduate students.

MBA Dissertation – A Brief Overview:

Like all graduate-level dissertations, MBA dissertations also help business graduate students to condense all important processes they have learned during the coursework. It serves as a written proof of conceptual understanding of the MBA students on how to solve and manage businesses of varying natures. For instance, if you are planning to start your career by holding some managerial role in the automobile industry, then it will be wise to select a research topic for your MBA dissertation that will help you explore more about this particular industry.

MBA dissertations, like all other dissertations, comprise five chapters. It includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results and findings, and conclusion. The thing that makes it subject-specific is the business-related problem statement. Moreover, there are many other things that need to pay attention to while writing a good business administration dissertation. Thus, the following are some pro-business writing tips that one must follow to get full command of the research for writing a winning dissertation.

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Tip #1: Specify The Scope Of Your Business Writing In The Topic Of The Dissertation:

The topic is the first thing to decide on, no matter which level of education you are studying. Relevancy to the field and uniqueness of the idea are qualities that an ideal MBA dissertation topic must have. However, to specify the field of study, it is important to hint at the study approach that one has chosen to solve a business problem. For example, what management skills a manager of an automobile industry must have: An empirical study or A comparative approach to study the employee retention policies of Tesla vs Toyota.

Tip #2: Be Clear And Specific While Defining The Research Problem And Questions:

The moment one holds your dissertation in hand, the first section he/she wants to study to know about the research work is the aims and objective. Both research questions and problem statements are components of the introductory chapter of a dissertation that tell about the goals of a business dissertation. Thus, the pro tip is that research questions and the research problem must be simple and specific so the reader can understand a study in one go.     

Tip #3: Support Your Ideas Either By Drawing A Conceptual Or Theoretical Framework:

Most students take a descriptive approach to writing a literature review. Being descriptive is not at all a shortcoming, but a critical evaluation of the information used to do a literature review is also mandatory. Furthermore, the conceptual or theoretical framework is also another component of business writing. By definition, a conceptual framework is a representation of the expected relationship between the variables identified for research. However, the theoretical framework provides the basis from which all the knowledge is constructed. Though in an MBA dissertation, you can add such frameworks in the literature review as well as in the methodology sections.

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Tip #4: Support Each Choice In Research Methodology With A Valid Reason:

Drafting the methodology section of research is not at all difficult; however, by focusing on only an additional thing, you can write a foolproof methodology. The main task in writing methodology is to write on the most suitable research approach, philosophy, time horizon, sampling or analysis technique, and data interpretation methods. But the way to support your choice is to give valid reason for each. Experts advise students to give reasons why they prefer one option over others to solve a research problem. In case you feel some problems at any point, you must seek MBA dissertation help without hesitation. Seeking help from experts can never ked you down in any dissertation assessment phase.

Tip #5: Support Your Analysis With Easy To Understand Description:

The analysis is important to summarise or reduce large datasets into smaller, easy-to-manage units that can directly be linked with the main thesis claim. But finding the patterns to get insights into the data is not enough to solve a problem; you must also interpret the trends to conclude the study. Graphical representation helps better interpret the data; however, it is also important to give a description so even the lame person can understand the trends to reach the depth of your analysis.

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Tip #6: Do Not Raise New Issues In The Concluding Section Of The Research:

The conclusion is the last part of the dissertation that recalls the whole story in a precise manner. But the pro tip to writing a better conclusion is to start with the research problem. The body of the conclusion must summarise all the key points. Concurrently, concluding the section on suggesting further recommendations can raise the worth of your study.  

Final Thoughts:

Writing an MBA dissertation is not a hard nut to crack, but seeking expert help at every second stage is a tip to achieving excellence. The thing that makes business writing different from other various forms of writing is the area of interest. In short, solving business management-related problems is the most sought-after area of interest in business writing. Thus, the above-mentioned six pro tips help students to deal proactively with all dissertation challenges. In the end, if you know tips and tricks for proofreading a dissertation, then getting an A-plus grade in an MBA dissertation is not at all a problem.

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