
Is Your Star Sapphire Real? How To Tell If It’s Natural

Star Sapphires are beautiful and valuable gemstones that come in a variety of colors. Unfortunately, some of these stones can be counterfeited, and it is important to know how to spot a fake Star Sapphire. In this blog post, we will discuss the various ways that you can tell if a Star Sapphire is natural or not. We will also provide tips on how to make sure you are buying a genuine Star Sapphire when shopping for jewelry.

The Different Types Of Sapphires

Sapphires come in a wide range of colors, including blue, pink, orange, yellow, green, and purple. The most valuable and sought-after sapphire is the blue sapphire, which is also known as the “true” sapphire. Other varieties include padparadscha, a pinkish-orange sapphire; star sapphire, which displays a star-shaped pattern on its surface; and tanzanite stone, a relatively rare sapphire that is found only in Tanzania. Sapphires are often used in jewelry and can be found in rings, earrings, necklaces, and other pieces.

The Three Main Characteristics Of Sapphires

Sapphires come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors and are often set in jewelry. When looking for a star sapphire, it is important to know the three main characteristics that make up a natural sapphire.

The first characteristic is the color of the stone. Natural sapphires come in many different shades of blue, including navy blue, deep blue, sky blue, teal blue, and even purple. They may also be found in yellow, green, orange, pink, and other colors. In addition, sapphires may also have multicolored hues such as the coveted ‘tanzanite’ stone.

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The second characteristic is clarity. A natural sapphire should be relatively free of inclusions or flaws. The fewer inclusions, the better the stone will be. If you find a sapphire with a large number of inclusions, it is likely a fake or a treated stone.

The third characteristic is the cut of the sapphire. Natural sapphires are generally cut into oval or cushion shapes to maximize their luster and brilliance. Star sapphires usually feature six-ray stars on the surface of the stone, which are created by inclusions inside the gemstone. This star pattern can only be seen when the stone is held up to the light at a certain angle.

Imitations, Synthetics, And Treatments

When shopping for sapphires, it’s important to be aware of imitations and synthetics, as well as any treatments that may have been applied. Imitations are usually made from glass or plastic, and can be easily detected with a loupe. Synthetic sapphires are created in a laboratory and can look just like natural sapphires, but they do not have the same chemical structure.

Treatments are the most common type of sapphire found in the market, and include heat treatment, oiling, surface diffusing, irradiation, and dyeing. Heat treatment is used to improve the color of a sapphire and make it more appealing, while oiling is used to hide certain blemishes. Surface diffusing is a process used to enhance the color of a sapphire by treating it with a foreign material, such as titanium or tanzanite stone. Irradiation is used to produce an artificial color, while dyeing can be used to enhance the color of a sapphire.

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Buying Star Sapphires

When it comes to buying star sapphires, it is important to know what you are looking for. The most important quality of a star sapphire is the star itself. To determine if the star is genuine, experts look at the three C’s – cut, color, and clarity. Cut refers to the shape and facets of the gemstone; color is how deep and vivid the stone is; and clarity is the presence of imperfections or inclusions in the stone.

The next factor that affects the price of a star sapphire is the carat weight. The bigger the sapphire, the more expensive it will be. Other things that can affect the price include where it was mined and its origin. Sapphires from certain countries, such as Sri Lanka and Tanzania, are usually more valuable than those from other locations. Tanzanite stones from Tanzania are especially sought after for their bright blue hue.

Finally, you need to consider whether or not you want to purchase a certified star sapphire. A certified star sapphire is one that has been evaluated by a professional gemologist and issued a certificate of authenticity stating that it is a genuine star sapphire. This certification can add significantly to the cost of the stone but will also provide peace of mind in knowing that you are purchasing a real star sapphire.

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Care And Cleaning Of Sapphires

When it comes to cleaning and caring for your star sapphire, it’s important to remember that they are a delicate stone. Due to their delicate nature, it’s best to avoid harsh cleaning products and instead use mild soap and water. If your sapphire is set in a piece of jewelry, use a soft toothbrush or cloth to carefully scrub off dirt and debris from the setting. Do not use a steam cleaner or ultrasonic cleaner on your sapphire as this may damage the stone.

For best results, be sure to wipe your star sapphire with a soft lint-free cloth after each wear. Be sure to store your sapphire away from other gemstones such as tanzanite stones, as their hardness can easily scratch softer stones. Finally, take care when wearing your sapphire jewelry to ensure that the stone does not come into contact with other hard surfaces which could damage or chip the stone.

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